Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought, After all the personal work I've done why do I still feel stuck and confused?

Do you want to manifest something else yet you still feel controlled by past programming?

I'm Rebecca Abraxas and you are not alone. I have been through many frustrating moments on my journey too! I'd love to show you the power of your own voice to shift from feeling stuck and frustrated to enlivened and powerful! You can manifest content joy and peace through the use of your voice.

My system to help you vibrationally align with your best self and feel liberated:

Putting the practices of vocal toning and the Law of Attraction together, I've found a system to manage your "vibrational gap" that works swiftly to liberate you into a high vibrational life filled with inner peace, deeper purpose, and potent personal power.

This course will assist you in shifting your vibration so that you can be a match for your best life.

You are invited to learn new habits and practices that will help you manifest yourself out of the chaos, confusion and stuckness and into a glorious inspired space of being!

In this course you will learn:

  • Why you feel stuck and how to get unstuck

  • How to manage and process lower vibrational emotions with vocal toning

  • How to clear your auric field and subconscious mind with Chakra toning

  • How to shift tension and confusion with vocal toning

  • How to shift into your highest vibration and learn to sustain it

  • How to make sound with your vocal anatomy to increase vocal awareness

  • How to track low vibrational tension in the body and how to dissolve it through vocal toning

  • How to use your voice to raise your vibration to an inspired space of being during your day

Your breath is the gateway to your subconscious as well as your highest self. Lifeforce energy comes through every breath that supports your vocal toning

Vocal Toning creates a vibratory response to move energy, calm the nervous system, express, and heal.

Aligning is tuning yourself to the desired frequency. You can tune yourself to your authentic higher self that aligns with your deepest longing.

Your investment:

Your Guide:

Hi, I’m Rebecca Abraxas a sound healer, vibrational alignment coach, and singer/songwriter. Through my 25 year career, my voice has always had my back. It showed me how to trust myself, it introduced me to my authentic higher self, and helped me process outdated programming from my sub-conscience.

My voice has been an integral part of my awakening journey. I love to support others in exploring the power of their own voice.

For those willing to use their voice, it is a vehicle for many brilliant possibilities in your life.

Rebecca Abraxas Vocal Awakening, Vibrational alignment, manifesting, sound healing